Feeling Grateful - Small Business Saturday

Every year, Black Friday Sales get bigger and bigger and we do our best to join in the fun and compete with the big box maternity stores.  As this trend continues though, I love seeing the rise of Small Business Saturday.  Recognizing the importance of entrepreneurship and supporting local businesses is a beautiful thing.  Looking a little harder through the barrage of emails and ads to find the smaller businesses really does make such a big difference. The impact of your purchase is felt (and much appreciated!) directly by our family and that of our small team. 

We are so grateful to the mamas that find Momzelle and tell their friends about us!

My husband, Vincent, and his sister began Momzelle together just after she had her first baby. He had an entrepreneurial spirit and she was a breastfeeding mom. They leaped into business together and built Momzelle from an idea into a full line of nursing clothing! Vincent and I went on our first date about three days after they had designed their first nursing top! I officially joined the team when pregnant with our first child. They had passion and an idea and here we are 11 years later.  Although it has gone through many changes behind the scenes, Momzelle is a project of love and devotion. 

Working full time with my husband and owning a small business is something I am very grateful for. It is not without it's challenges, but they are far outweighed by the positives. We have a 6 year old daughter and a 4 year old son.  Breastfeeding was incredibly special to me and although my children weaned long ago, I love that it is still an important and relevant part of my life.  Through Momzelle I still get to belong to such an amazing community of women!

Thank you!

- Sara 

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