A letter to my pregnant body
This lovely article is the inspiration for this post. Five women from various walks of life write letters to their bodies to show a little appreciation.
This is what I would tell my body today:
Dear Body,
I am most appreciative of you these days. I feel as though you are not even really mine right now, but you belong to the growing baby inside me. I trust that you will adapt and give all that you can to protect and nurture this new being.
In the meantime, Legs I will try to not resent you for the discomfort you are causing me at night. It took me until I was 29 years old and had hiked the Inca Trail before I truly appreciated you and your strength, so I can handle a little charlie horse!
Stomach, it may take me some time but I will not let these new stretch marks tear down my self-esteem. I love how my belly has expanded to nurture and grow my child. Although, I admit that you and I might have to have a few conversations once this baby is out!
Boobs, you are new to me and I love you! I have always appreciated you, but lately I see you in a whole new light. I anticipate how you will be responsible for feeding and comforting my child. I eagerly await to put you to good use!
Feet, you are fat and hard to reach right now. I admit that I have never really been fond of you, but I certainly appreciate the places you have taken me and the fact that you are so wide that I have the best balance in my yoga class!
You are not perfect Body, but neither am I! Thank you for carrying me through this life.
Love Sara
(below is a photo of me a few weeks ago at 10 weeks pregnant)
What would you say to your body today? How has your attitude and appreciation changed since having children?
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